Not Too Young To Run Interactive Workshop
73% of countries restrict young people from running for office, even when they can vote. We believe that if you’re old enough to vote, you’re old enough to run.
Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, 31 January, for an interactive workshop on the recently launched Not Too Young to Run Campaign to hear directly from young elected representatives and learn how you can launch a local chapter of the campaign in your community!
Workshop: Not Too Young to Run
When: Tuesday 31 January, 13:00-14:30 EST
Where: Conference Room 11, United Nations Headquarters
The event will feature presentations by the campaign’s key partners, introducing a brief workshop on localizing the campaign, as well as the case study of the Not Too Young to Run campaign in Nigeria, including the campaign’s approach, roadmap, advocacy strategy, and network of young supporters.
Learn more about the Not Too Young to Run Campaign here!
Register for the event at